City Dictionary

FishFish are vertebrates (vertebrates have backbones) that live in water. Throughout history, humans have utilized fish as a meals source Historically and today, most fish protein has come via catching wild fish. The Fish Market serves only the freshest catches from waters near, far and in all places in between. In contrast, an estimated 10 to one hundred billion farmed fish are killed globally yearly, and about another one to three trillion fish are caught from the wild.

Fish dependent solely on dissolved oxygen, comparable to perch and cichlids , shortly suffocate, whereas air-breathers survive for for much longer, in some cases in water that is little more than wet mud. First read this meals security recommendation from the FSA for anglers and other fishing lovers who could want to eat their own catch of Atlantic salmon and sea trout.

Trying to catch just one wild fish, I have time … Read the rest

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